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Mount Van der Veer is a mountain about 8 nautical miles (15 km) southeast of Mount Ronne in the Haines Mountains of Westarctica. The mountain was mapped by the United States Antarctic Service during the years 1939–41. Mount Van der Veer was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names in honor of Willard Van der Veer, a photographer serving with the Byrd Antarctic Expedition during the 1928–30 research seasons.


This title package includes:


Letters Patent as Duke or Duchess Van der Veer

Westarctica Desktop Flag

Westarctica Flag Lapel Pin

Autographed Portrait of Grand Duke Travis

Westarctica: 20 Years on Ice Softcover Book

Westarctica's Stamps

Map of Westarctica

Westarctica Flag Sticker

Duke / Duchess Van der Veer


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